Thursday , March 6 2025

How To Analyze The Dynamics Of Sleep Electro Encephalo Graphic (EEG) Using Threshold-Dependent Symbolic Entropy


Sleep is regulated autonomously with circadian behavior. Sleep disorders greatly impact major sleep disturbances in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease (PD) and epilepsy affecting sleep at night and increasing abnormality of muscle tones during the NREM stage. The aim of this research is to quantify the dynamics of sleep for different sleep pathologies by applying threshold-dependent symbolic entropy. The threshold-dependent symbolic entropy is applied to distinguish the healthy subjects with sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, sleep behavior disorder (RBD), sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), period leg movement (PLM), and nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) subjects. At certain smaller thresholds, the healthy and narcolepsy subjects exhibit higher NCSE values than other sleep disorders showing these subjects are more complex followed by SBD, NFLE, PLM, and RDB respectively.

To distinguish the healthy subjects from narcolepsy, the highest separation was obtained at a threshold of 550ms with P-value (3.69e-04), NFLE at a threshold of 550ms with a P-value (2.36e-12), PLM at a threshold of 550ms with a P-value (2.24e-06), RBD at threshold 550ms with P-value (8.87e-09) and SDB at threshold 550ms with P-value (0.0012). Likewise, the highest AUC was obtained as AUC=0.9688 to distinguish healthy subjects from NFLE, narcolepsy, PLM and SDB followed by RBD with AUC (0.8438).

About Dr. Lal Hussain

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